The Master Of Meditation


Swamiji has formulated a Universal Meditation and several other primary meditation techniques for different benefits. Participants enjoy benefits such as control over bad thoughts, healing of bodily ailments, removing emotional stress, profit in their business, a boost in youthful feeling etc. Universal Meditation sessions are conducted for the control of the mind, emotions and sex. One such meditation technique is Vibratory Meditation. This particular technique is for the purification of the thoughts and injection of the Cosmic air into the body and soul. Swamiji chants mantras and creates a vibration in the room which will then take effect in the body of the participant. Swamiji also conducts Mudra Meditation. A mudra is a spiritual bodily gesture which can be traced back to ancient days. Mudras were used in deep concentration for acquiring spiritual and materialistic pleasures. During these sessions, Swamiji will illustrate the gesture and teach a mantra to be chanted simultaneously.


Swamiji conducts several other meditation sessions, such as:

  • Meditation for the control of sleeping disorders
  • Meditation for the elderly to bring comfort
  • Mass meditation for healing


Participants have boasted about immediate results after sitting in at Swamiji’s meditation programs. Swamiji’s nature is one of peace. She frequently goes in spontaneous meditation. For days and months, Swamiji will be away from this World in deep meditation.